Research Strategy

We work together to understand cardiac biology and disease mechanisms through translational research.


The Institute for Experimental Medical Research (IEMR) is Norway`s largest institute for translational cardiac research. The Institute is a department within the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital and operates within the framework of the Research strategy of the Division of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases. IEMR staff holds competency from a wide range of medical and life science disciplines and covers molecular to clinical research.


Our aim is to:

Understand cardiac biology and disease mechanisms through translational research, and develop new preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic strategies for patients with heart disease.



From explorations of fundamental aspects of cardiac biology to patient studies, we are guided by a common vision:

Understanding the heart for the benefit of patients.

Surgeons in an operation room

Scientific goals

IEMR has made significant contributions to academic and clinical medicine. In the coming years, we will focus on three main scientific goals:

  • Improve diagnostics, prevention, and treatment of the stiff heart through basic, translational and clinical studies.
  • Reveal integrative mechanisms for heart failure and arrhythmias, as a basis for understanding and treatment of electromechanical dysfunction in patients.
  • Reveal cellular signaling pathways responsible for cardiac mechanosensing, and remodeling as a basis for future therapy.


Strategic objectives

IEMR’s staff and unique technological infrastructure, including four regional core facilities, support molecular to preclinical and clinical imaging studies. This makes us a natural hub for collaborations and networks and attracts young researchers. We continuously improve to achieve our aims and scientific goals, and focus on five strategic objectives:

  • Develop and employ state-of-the-art technology from molecular biology to patient studies.
  • Recruit the next generation of researchers within life and natural sciences, and medicine.
  • Promote cutting-edge methodological expertise through staff development.
  • Initiate and actively participate in regional, national and international collaborations, centers and networks.
  • Educate and develop future leaders in clinical and academic life science and medicine.


See Research Strategy for 2012-2022