By combining new competence and equipment in preclinical PET imaging, with the MRI strength already in place, IEMR can offer advanced, state-of-the-art opportunities in the new regional core facility.
Our advanced core facilities offer excellent opportunities
By combining new competence and equipment in preclinical PET imaging, with the MRI strength already in place, IEMR can offer advanced, state-of-the-art opportunities in the new regional core facility.
Our preclinical MR core facility offers a variety of advanced imaging methods, with a particular focus on the assessement of cardiac structure and function.
The Core Facility at Ullevål holds two super-resolution microscopes, two confocal microscopes and three whole cell fluorescence setups as well as software for image enhancement.
Section for Preclinical Physiology offers state-of-the art equipment, facilities and know-how to all researchers who want to test their hypotheses in a large animal model.
The Laboratory and Technical sections offer excellent facilities with state-of-the-art equipment for conducting experimental analyzes, along with a highly qualified staff. We have broad expertise in basic and advanced methods, including cell imaging, molecular- and cell biology and in vivo and in vitro analyzes. We offer services to all researchers at IEMR.