Research funding from the Norwegian Health Association

Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen (the Norwegian Health Association) combats cardiovascular disease by funding research.

Grants for doctoral fellow at IEMR are given to projects in heart research category:

  • Mechanisms behind development of familial cardiomyopathy
    Responsible for the application is group leader Cathrine Carlson.
  • Non-Coding RNAs for Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction“. Responsible for the application is postdoctoral fellow Gustavo Justo da Silva.

This year Doctoral Research Fellow Chloe Rixon and Postdoctoral fellows Michael Frisk, Ornella Manfra, Jia Li, Emil Espe, Mari Elen Strand and Maria Vistnes have all been granted funding from the Norwegian Health Association. In addition running cost contributions are given for research projects lead by Ida Gjervold Lunde, Mathis Korseberg Stokke and Geir Christensen.

Next call for proposals for cardiovascular research will start 1st June 2021, with application submission deadline 1st September 2021.

Project titles:

  • Mechanisms behind development of familial cardiomyopathy, Group leader Cathrine Carlson.
  • Non-Coding RNAs for Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction, Postdoctoral fellow Gustavo Justo da Silva.
  • Fibrose i familiær hypertrofisk kardiomyopati, Doctoral Research Fellow Rixon Chloe
  • Behandling rettet mot t-tubuli i det sviktende hjertet, Postdoctoral fellow Michael Frisk
  • Paralleller på nano-nivå mellom hjertet i utvikling, og ved hjertefeil, Postdoctoral fellow Ornella Manfra
  • Å undersøke høyre side av det sviktende, Postdoctoral fellow Emil Espe
  • Sakromatisk kontraktil dyssynkroni:en ny mekanisme for hjertesvikt, Postdoctoral fellow Jia Li
  • Betydning av syndecan-4 i inflammasjonsprosesser i hjertet, Postdoctoral fellow Mari E. Strand
  • Hemming av ADAMTS4-aktivitet – et nytt behandlingsprinsipp ved hjertesvikt, Postdoctoral fellow Maria Vistnes
  • Ny behandling av økt mengde bindevev i hjertet, Research projects leader Geir Christensen
    ADAMTSL3`s rolle i fibrose og hjertesvikt, Research projects leader Ida G. Lunde
  • Oksidert CAMKII:nytt mål for forebygging av arytmier, Research projects leader Mathis Korseberg Stokke