Image: Profile picture of Athiramol Sasi

Athiramol Sasi

Doctoral Research Fellow

Stokke group

Phone: +47 405 90 222


– Master’s in Biotechnology from India
– Master’s in Tumor biology with a major in systems biology from Sweden


K.G. Jebsen Centre for Cardiac Research

Research area

  • Cell signaling
  • Fibroblast signaling
  • Fibrosis
  • Heart failure

Latest publications

Sasi A, Romaine A, Erusappan PM, Melleby AO, Hasic A, Dahl CP, Broch K, Almaas VM, Puertas RD, Roderick HL, Lunde IG, Sjaastad I, Vistnes M, Christensen G (2023)
Temporal expression and spatial distribution of the proteoglycan versican during cardiac fibrosis development
Matrix Biol Plus, 19-20, 100135
PubMed 38076279 DOI 10.1016/j.mbplus.2023.100135
Vistnes M, Erusappan PM, Sasi A, Nordén ES, Bergo KK, Romaine A, Lunde IG, Zhang L, Olsen MB, Øgaard J, Carlson CR, Wang CH, Riise J, Dahl CP, Fiane AE, Hauge-Iversen IM, Espe E, Melleby AO, Tønnessen T, Aronsen JM, Sjaastad I, Christensen G (2023)
Inhibition of the extracellular enzyme A disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motif 4 prevents cardiac fibrosis and dysfunction
Cardiovasc Res, 119 (10), 1915-1927
PubMed 37216909 DOI 10.1093/cvr/cvad078