News archive

Showing 111–120 of 148 results


People at IEMR: Emil Espe

Emil Espe is a postdoc and a physicist at IEMR, and is a part of the K.G. Jebsen CCR center that just was granted extension.

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People at IEMR: Hege Ugland

After some years in the industry, Hege Ugland joined us in 2020 as Head Engineer.

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Seminars and conferences

The Matrix in Focus: IEMR at the American Society for Matrix Biology Biennial meeting 2021

In september, researchers from two of our groups represented IEMF at the American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB)’s biennial meeting in St. Louis.

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Seminars and conferences

Finally, we meet: The 19th Annual Oslo Symposium on Heart Research

The 19th Annual Oslo Symposium on Heart Research hosted by NORHEART and ProCardio was held September 23rd and 24th at the Soria Moria Conference Center.

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New publications

How does protection against oxidative stress prevent arrhythmias?

The oxidation-resistant CaMKII-MM281/282VV mutation does not prevent arrhythmias in CPVT1

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Seminars and conferences

IEMR – Project meeting,
Dr. Susan Howlett

15. October 2021 at 13:00 presentation by Dr. Susan Howlett:

“Cardiac aging: why sex and frailty matter”

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Our Fellow scientist in Manchester

Andreas Romaine, postdoctoral researcher at IEMR, is interested in understanding the underlying causes of heart failure. He is currently in Manchester, as part of the Scientia Fellows programme.

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Seminars and conferences

IEMR – Project meeting


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New publications

Two sides of a coin: New perspective on antiarrhythmic treatment

CaMKII inhibition has dual effects on spontaneous Ca2+ release and Ca2+ alternans in ventricular cardiomyocytes from mice with a gain-of-function RyR2 mutation

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Pop sci from IEMR: Why doesn’t the heart stop?

IEMR wants  to contribute to the education of the general public about cardiac physiology and heart disease. Group leader Mathis Korseberg Stokke has written an article about cardiac electrophysiology aimed at the general public that explains why the heart doesn’t stop.

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